by Jasir Alavi | May 24, 2021 | Agents, Industry Updates
Travel managers and decision makers in organizations often come across this question of investing in travel management – be it in setting processes, buying technology or other tools. People are often unaware of the many benefits in getting their business travel...
by Jasir Alavi | May 8, 2021 | Agents, Corporates
Twelve interesting quotes that show how our lives are indispensably connected to travel and adventure. These quotes were posted on our social media handles over the last few months. As travel restarts we hope they will help us reconnect with travel and all the...
by Jasir Alavi | Mar 9, 2021 | Agents, Corporates, Industry Updates
There’s been a lot of talk about the post-pandemic recovery of travel and related sectors. One can find dozens of articles every day discussing the probabilities of business travel getting back to normal in 2021. Hotels, events, ground transport, tours, and a whole...
by Jasir Alavi | Feb 26, 2021 | Agents, Corporates
Rapid growth in technology has brought about major changes and even disruptions to every sector and industry in the last few decades. The travel industry was one of the earliest adopters, though it hasn’t had many disruptions as most other sectors. For airlines,...
by Jasir Alavi | Feb 8, 2021 | Agents, Corporates, Industry Updates, Travel Tips
As more and more governments are mulling the idea of trialing the possibility of providing people with health passports to enable them to travel again, we thought it would be helpful to do this short article that explains what they are. We will see how they work, who...
by Rinzin Nalakath | Jan 29, 2021 | Agents, Corporates, Travel Tips
BC, please don’t get me wrong I’m not referring to any period Before Christ. With all due respect to the traditional reckoned period, here I’m going to mention BC as the period Before Covid-19. BC or Before Covid-19, business travel was one of the...